ISSM Create Domain Instructions
Step 1: Open Matlab
- In command line type: addpath ~/Documents/ISSM/trunk/bin/ ~Documents/ISSM/trunk/lib/
- This has to be entered every time you open up Matlab and run ISSM
- In the open file header navigate to the Ant_Create_Domain folder Users/geodynamics/Documents/ISSM/trunk/examples/Ant_Create_Domain
Step 2: Create Personalized Start file
- Open the GenericStart.m file within the tutorial folder
- Edit the file so steps = [0 ]
- Step 0 will designate all data files for the model run
- Personalize the runName for your wanted domain name
- Edit ‘InsertRunName’ to be the wanted domain name (example: ‘Mullock’)
- Save as personalized start file
- Example: save as MullockStart.m
Step 3: Create Model Domain
- Open Outline.exp
- Personalize Outline.exp for domain coordinates
- Rename the first line(Example: Name: MullockOutline)
- Insert X positions and Y positions of Polar Stereographic coordinates
- Note: X pos is Easting and Y pos is Northing
- If you need to convert from latitude and longitude, see the Polar Sterographic Conversion instruction page
- You must have 5 points to have a closed box (1st and 5th coordinates will be the same)
- Save as personalized outline .exp file
- Example: save as MullockOutline.exp
Step 4: Create Mesh
- Open meshSetup.m
- Edit the file so setupSteps = [1 2]
- Edit domain to be your personalized outline file
- Example: domain ‘ [‘./MullockOutline.exp’];
- Run meshSetup.m
- Several plots should appear including
- Unrefined Grid
- Velocity-Refined Grid
- Bed elevation (low resolution)
Step 5: Solve
- Open runme.m
- Edit file so steps = [2:8]
- Several more plots should appear including
- Grounded vs. floating
- Ice vs. no ice
- Bed elevation
- Friction Coefficient
- Observed velocity
- Modeled SSA Velocity
- Modeled HO Velocity
- HO-Observed Velocity
- SSA-Observed Velocity
- HO-SSA Velocity
- HO Surface- HO base Velocity
- Observed Surface velocity
- Modeled HO Surface Velocity