ISSM Instructions

From UMaine SECS Numerical Modeling Laboratory
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Step 1: Open Matlab

  • In command line type: addpath ~/Documents/ISSM/trunk/bin/ ~Documents/ISSM/trunk/lib/
    • This has to be entered every time you open up Matlab and run ISSM

In the open file header navigate to your tutorial folder of choice: Users/geodynamics/Documents/ISSM/trunk/examples/AntByrd Step 2: Open Start.m file Open the Start.m file within the tutorial folder Edit the file so steps = [0 1] Step 0 will designate all data files for the model run Step 1 will run CreSIS.m file which designates variable to the higher resolution data(usually from CreSIS) Run the file A contour map of the study area should be displayed Step 3: Assign model domain In the command window type: exptool(‘test.exp’) An interactive gui should pop up on the left hand side of the screen Click the button that reads “add a contour (closed) Trace an outline of the domain you would like for your model, you can use as many points as you like Press “Enter” and then quit the gui Matlab should save your “test.exp” file inside the tutorial folder Rename “test.exp” to “Outline.exp” Step 4: Create Mesh Open meshSetup.m Edit the file so setupSteps = [1 2 3] Several plots should appear including: Original mesh Velocity-refined mesh High resolution bed elevation Low resolution bed elevation Difference between high-res and low-res bed elevation Step 5: Solve Open runme.m Edit file so steps = [2:8] Several more plots should appear including Grounded vs. floating Ice vs. no ice Bed elevation Friction Coefficient Observed velocity Modeled SSA Velocity Modeled HO Velocity HO-Observed Velocity SSA-Observed Velocity HO-SSA Velocity HO Surface- HO base Velocity Observed Surface velocity Modeled HO Surface Velocity