ISSM Instructions
Step 1: Open Matlab
- In command line type: addpath ~/Documents/ISSM/trunk/bin/ ~Documents/ISSM/trunk/lib/
- This has to be entered every time you open up Matlab and run ISSM
- In the open file header navigate to your tutorial folder of choice: Users/geodynamics/Documents/ISSM/trunk/examples/AntByrd
Step 2: Open Start.m file
- Open the Start.m file within the tutorial folder
- Edit the file so steps = [0 1]
- Step 0 will designate all data files for the model run
- Step 1 will run CreSIS.m file which designates variable to the higher resolution data(usually from CreSIS)
- Run the file
- A contour map of the study area should be displayed
Step 3: Assign model domain
- In the command window type: exptool(‘test.exp’)
- An interactive gui should pop up on the left hand side of the screen
- Click the button that reads “add a contour (closed)
- Trace an outline of the domain you would like for your model, you can use as many points as you like
- Press “Enter” and then quit the gui
- Matlab should save your “test.exp” file inside the tutorial folder
- Rename “test.exp” to “Outline.exp”
Step 4: Create Mesh
- Open meshSetup.m
- Edit the file so setupSteps = [1 2 3]
- Several plots should appear including:
- Original mesh
- Velocity-refined mesh
- High resolution bed elevation
- Low resolution bed elevation
- Difference between high-res and low-res bed elevation
Step 5: Solve
- Open runme.m
- Edit file so steps = [2:8]
- Several more plots should appear including
- Grounded vs. floating
- Ice vs. no ice
- Bed elevation
- Friction Coefficient
- Observed velocity
- Modeled SSA Velocity
- Modeled HO Velocity
- HO-Observed Velocity
- SSA-Observed Velocity
- HO-SSA Velocity
- HO Surface- HO base Velocity
- Observed Surface velocity
- Modeled HO Surface Velocity